The aim of our Ready to Rent programme is to reduce barriers experienced by whanau when trying to find a rental or maintain their tenancy

The programme is specifically designed to provide knowledge and practical tools to help you in your rental journey, as well as ensure you are confident enough to navigate the rental market and understand your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.


Programme outline

This is a one-day programme held during the week from 9am-3pm. We have a collaborative approach which means we involve other providers and organisations who are experts to help deliver sessions - such as housing brokers, property agents, community lawyers, budgeting advisors and our support workers.

The sessions covered includes:

  • Barriers to renting

  • Tenant’s and landlord’s right & responsibilities

  • Tenancy application and screening process

  • Training programmes to support you into employment

  • MSD Housing products available

  • Money management

  • Well homes - how to keep your home warm, dry and healthy

Want to register?

This programme is held twice a month in Lower Hutt & Porirua, free of charge with food provided.

If you are interested in registering or you are a support worker wanting to refer a client, please contact us.